GoPro HERO5 Session (CHDHS-501) - action camera

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Compact and functional action camera HERO5 Session - a novelty of the company GoPro with a resolution of 4K, voice control and image stabilization. Due to the fact that the manufacturer has implemented the voice control function in the HERO5 series, the battery life of the device is significantly increased. To disable the recording, there is no need to press the button directly - just say "stop recording" and the camera will turn off.

Advantage of the mini version

Model Session 5-th generation has compact dimensions due to the lack of display and GPS module. The photo is taken at a resolution of no more than 10 megapixels, but video quality is comparable to its predecessor. It shoots 4K video at 60 frames per second, and with Full HD shooting, the frame rate reaches 90. In addition, the camera has an electronic video stabilizer providing excellent quality.

Processor A10

To fully control the new "4K" capabilities, the GoPro camera was equipped with a completely new A10 processor. With it, the process of material processing is much faster. The claimed model is one of the most affordable and powerful video cameras on the market. Additionally, during the charging process, the camera has the ability to automatically download photos and videos. To process and edit materials, a new GoPro Plus service is provided.




Operating System:
Android 4.0, Ice Cream Sandwich
Storage Capacity:
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